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Letter from America: A hazy shade of winter

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  • Letter from America: A hazy shade of winter

    Greetings, denizens of Eurogamer. Your regular epistolary pal, Jaz Rignall, is off taking a vacation in Hawaii - I believe that's the America equivalent of going on holiday to the Canary Islands? While the rest of us shiver beneath a blanket of snow, he's sitting on a blanket on the sand beneath a big umbrella sipping a fruity drink that contains a much smaller umbrella, like some fractal equation of total relaxation. This means he's much too busy to bother with his weekly column, so you'll have to settle for a letter from me, an actual American.
    Don't be afraid. I promise to keep the safeties latched on my expansive personal collection of large-bore firearms.
    I know Jaz usually creates some sort of narrative to pull together the disparate threads of his letters to you, but I'll be honest: I'm totally stumped to come up with any kind of connective ligament to bind this week's gaming news. We're in the depths of the mid-winter doldrums, that quagmire between last fall's releases and the news that begins tumbling forth around the time of Game Developers Conference in mid-March. Ain't much doing at the moment, I'm afraid.
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