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Brilliant Oculus game lets you defuse a bomb nobody else can see

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  • Brilliant Oculus game lets you defuse a bomb nobody else can see

    A quartet of Canadian indie developers have created one of the most clever uses of the Oculus Rift I've seen with Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, a game about bomb defusing.
    Created as part of last weekend's Global Game Jam, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes' brilliant premise has one player tasked with defusing a bomb that only they can see via the Oculus Rift, while their friends sift through various documents trying to sort out the explosive's make and model so their bomb-defusing pal can alleviate the threat. Obviously the bomb's on a timer, so both parties have to hurry.
    Like Henry Smith's wonderful iOS miscommunication madhouse Space Team before it, the situation will naturally get hectic as everyone yells over one another in this matter of life and virtual death.
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