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GTA 4 gets Flappy Bird mod

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  • GTA 4 gets Flappy Bird mod

    It was bound to happen eventually. A new mod has brought the worlds of Flappy Bird and Grand Theft Auto together at last and the results are incredible. YouTube user "taltigolt" published a video today highlighting the creation of modders "julionib" and "quechus13," wherein the rules of Flappy Bird are applied to Grand Theft Auto IV.
    In the video, we see GTAIV protagonist Niko Bellic wearing a Flappy Bird-style mask and flying through the world, hitting pedestrians on the head to earn points. Running into objects like telephone poles means you die, and your score starts back at zero.
    The original Flappy Bird--which was removed from app stores worldwide by its creator this month because it was "too addictive"--was known to be ludicrously difficult. And this GTAIV mod keeps that spirit alive. Though the conditions are obviously different, hitting pedestrians on the head is no easy task, as they are always on the move, whereas Flappy Bird's green pipes never moved an inch.
    The mod will be released publicly this weekend via its creator's blog.

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