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Almost inFamous: Nate Fox talks Second Son

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  • Almost inFamous: Nate Fox talks Second Son

    Rewind a year to the very first reveal of the PlayStation 4, and it's easy to assume that everyone within Sony was enjoying one of the best nights of their careers. For the executives, it was a chance to establish the new console as a powerhouse dedicated to gaming, and for the developers a chance to show what Sony's machine was capable of. Sucker Punch's Nate Fox was certainly grateful for the opportunity, but his turn on stage to reveal Second Son, the latest instalment in the open-world series inFamous, was to become a thing of infamy in itself.
    "Jeez," smiles Fox as he speaks to us at a press event for the game in an East London warehouse. "That is the most professionally humiliating thing I've ever encountered, I'll be honest. I had this speech that I had timed against a video above my head, and every now and then I'd stop speaking - not for dramatic effect - but the imagery above my head, it was an animation, so it was for an explosion or a switcheroo.
    "The cameraman who was filming the event, he clearly didn't know the interesting thing was above me - so he left the camera on me. I'd stop in a sentence like Captain Kirk or something, waiting, waiting and then talking again. As a result of that, there's an uncomfortable GIF of me with my arm bobbing up and down like one of those Korean cats in the windows of shops. Have you ever been turned into a GIF? Let it never happen to you. It's like a curse."
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