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Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z review

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  • Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z review

    Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is an ugly game. Ugly in design, ugly in tone and ugly in content. It's a garish smear of a game that dribbles all over the legacy of one of the all-time great action franchises.
    Series star Ryu Hayabusa is sidelined here in favour of Yaiba, a boorish clod who loses in battle to Ryu in the opening cut-scene, only to have his dismembered body patched together again as a cyborg. What follows is a repetitive and utterly tiresome romp as Yaiba sets off to get his revenge.
    He does this by wading through wave after wave of zombies because those are the easiest foes to throw at a player, and because high-faluting notions such as AI can be conveniently brushed off the table. So Yaiba enters an area, makes some terrible foul-mouthed quip, and proceeds to carve up enemies with his three basic attacks - sword, fist and flail.
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