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Concursion is a twisted, thrilling and unique mash-up of genres

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  • Concursion is a twisted, thrilling and unique mash-up of genres

    Concursion, quite frankly, is an ugly game. On the surface - in stills, and in motion, too - it is, anyway, its unwieldy artwork clunking along in an unpleasant, garish blur of clashing colours and unsightly characters. Yet Concursion, when played at a decent lick by someone who has mastered its strange, unique systems, is breathtakingly beautiful - a clash of genres that are bought together by deft finger-work and some remarkable invention from developer Puuba.
    The idea behind Concursion is pure in concept, but surprisingly - brilliantly, even - elastic and playful in execution. It's a mash-up of well-established, well-worn video game genres, where platformers cascade into shooters and then segue into hack and slash before neatly depositing you in a Pac-Man-esque maze where you're gobbling up little dots, and it manages to mix everything together effortlessly. Well, after a little effort from yourself, anyway.
    Concursion's genres manifest as bubbles within the flatly drawn levels, each one whisking you away to a different set of conventions, controls and enemies. It's a strange, slightly warped feeling you get as such disparate worlds collide together, though developer Puuba - and, more specifically, the chap who's behind Concursion, the fast-talking, wide-eyed and infectiously enthusiastic Danny Garfield, embarking on his first game project - has been wise to gently introduce the novel mechanic. What starts off as a simple side-scroller mutates through the course of some 70 levels into something as twisted as it is thrilling.
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