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World of Darkness manual and screenshots leaked

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  • World of Darkness manual and screenshots leaked

    Eve Online developer CCP recently announced it had cancelled its World of Darkness vampire MMO that it had been working on, to varying degrees, since 2007. Over the years we'd caught glimpses of it but never understood how it would work as an actual game. Until now.
    Now the entire handbook from a confidential, and very recent playtest, dated March 2014, has been leaked on Reddit, spilling 33 pages of details and screenshots in the process.
    Did World of Darkness have the hallmarks of Eve Online? It had permanent death, which was triggered when you'd lost all Humanity (for being generally naughty) and were then killed and Diablerized - your soul sent to respawn back at your Haven/house. If you had Humanity, you'd respawn, but without it you'd need to delete your character and start again.
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