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There's a new Left 4 Dead... for Japanese arcades

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  • There's a new Left 4 Dead... for Japanese arcades

    It's not the new Left 4 Dead many fans of Valve's co-op first-person shooter are hoping for, but it is a new Left 4 Dead nonetheless.
    Left 4 Dead: Survivors is a new Left 4 Dead game specifically designed for Japanese arcades. It's a joint venture between Valve and Taito, which has form in reworking Valve games: in 2006 it released Half-Life 2: Survivor in Japanese arcades and according to Eurogamer's Christian Donlan went down well.
    We don't have much else to go on with Left 4 Dead: Survivors, save a live action video, below, for the game when it was known as Project Z, and a new image confirming the name, above.
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