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See how Valve predicted the future of PC gaming in 2008

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  • See how Valve predicted the future of PC gaming in 2008

    In June 2008, Valve invited journalists to its offices to talk about the future of PC gaming and we published this article recounting the experience. Looking back six years later, it's fascinating to think how dramatic each prediction felt at the time and yet how so many of them turned out to be conservative. Facts and figures are obviously out of date, but otherwise it's still a great insight into how Valve thinks - and what it thinks about.
    When Valve summoned a handful of US and UK journalists to its Seattle headquarters at the end of last month, it promised to talk about the future of Steam, its digital distribution system. That it did, revealing the ambitious Steam Cloud service for remote storage of game data, and boasting that it would soon be making more money selling games digitally, all the while remaining untroubled by piracy.
    Valve mastermind Gabe Newell and his cohorts had an ulterior motive for bringing reporters together, however, and unusually for an ulterior motive, it wasn't a wholly self-interested one. It was this: to evangelise the PC as the games platform of the future.
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