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Destiny time-lapse: world in motion

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  • Destiny time-lapse: world in motion

    When we had the opportunity to get our hands on the Destiny alpha this week, we wanted to do something special. Anyone who has played a Halo game can attest that, when it comes to delivering breathtaking scenery on a massive scale, Bungie is a true master of its craft. Our initial steps on the ruins of planet Earth in Destiny call to mind those moments when we first emerged from the escape pod back in the original Halo. Just taking a moment to pan the camera slowly around and take in the scenery before us reminds us why this developer is one of the best in the business.
    One of Destiny's many firsts for Bungie is its take on a fall day/night cycle. Translating its mastery of light and shadow into something that could dynamically transform the environment as the player is engaged in exploration and combat is an exciting proposition indeed. A full day in the world of Destiny lasts one hour in real time, giving us a great opportunity to bathe in the glorious world they've created. As a result we've decided it would be an excellent choice for the next instalment our irregular series of time-lapse videos.
    It starts with a collection of independently rotating layers representing various cloud formations, which move and transition seamlessly between one another. Sunlight realistically permeates these layers producing a heavenly outline around the swirling clouds as the sun passes beneath. Both the sun and the moon take turns bathing the world in the appropriate light. The soft orange glow of evening gives way to a clear, crisp night only to be transformed by the incredible sunrise that follows. Light shafts, emanating from both the sun and the moon, filter through the swaying trees and navigate building facades with ease, once again recalling the earliest moments of Halo.
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