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Bleeding red and blue: Destiny's competitive multiplayer cut wide open

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  • Bleeding red and blue: Destiny's competitive multiplayer cut wide open

    Destiny's competitive multiplayer is all about ammo.
    Well, it's not all about ammo. A lot of it is about sprinting, shooting and double-jumping, but ammo plays an important role. In fact, Destiny's ammo is the key to victory.
    The thing I loved about Halo's player-versus-player shooting was that everyone started the game on a level playing field. Sure, you'd fight over the powerful weapons as they spawned, the rocket launcher, the shotgun, the sniper rifle, that sort of thing, but at the start of each round everyone had to row up the creek using the same splintered paddle. There was none of this levelling up and unlocking weapons and boosts and all that other modern guff that turns me off the likes of Battlefield, Call of Duty and, admittedly, Halo in recent years. Classic Halo chucked us into a virtual goldfish bowl with evenly matched starting loadouts and let players fight for control over the map. It was balanced.
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