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Killzone Shadow Fall: Intercept review

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  • Killzone Shadow Fall: Intercept review

    Horde mode: the enduring last gasp of the ailing shooter. It gives the multiplayer team the chance to leverage the AI of a campaign into its own mode. No need to worry about weapon balance or spawn camping or any of that other nightmarish stuff that separates the CODs from the dead fish in the water.
    And a Horde mode is exactly what Killzone Shadow Fall's new expansion, Intercept, is. Four players team up to battle waves of Helghan soldiers, each one picking a complimentary class and leveraging their respective talents until their foes are vanquished and a high score is achieved.
    Typical stuff, then, and hardly the most inspiring way to beckon languishing PS4 players back into Guerrilla Games' beautifully rendered world - but dismiss Intercept at your peril. This is Shadow Fall at its best, by a distance, and a reminder that the Dutch studio still knows how to make things go bang.
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