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Titan Souls rolls some of the greatest games into one

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  • Titan Souls rolls some of the greatest games into one

    Hit the enemy's glowing weak spot! Learn its attack patterns, and dodge those dancing fists! They're commandments etched into video game lore, but some take those ancient edicts and turn them into something approaching poetry.
    Team Ico's Shadow of the Colossus is built around the boss battle at its most explicitly lyrical, while Dark Souls turns its deadly encounters into taut, brutal verse. Titan Souls, a new action game from three-man developer Acid Nerve being brought to PS4, Vita and PC early next year by Devolver, boasts a more minimal brand of poetry.
    Part of that minimalism is simply in Titan Souls' DNA. The original was the result of last year's Ludum Dare game jam, with its theme of 'You Only Get One'. Acid Nerve - that being Mark Foster, designer of the brilliant Chroma, musician David Fenn and artist Andrew Gleeson - came upon an artful approach, a boss rush in which you only get one hit-point, and you only get one arrow.
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