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Far Cry 4: everything we know so far

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  • Far Cry 4: everything we know so far

    If the last Far Cry took its dystopian tropical cues from The Beach, it's a case of Seven Years - and almost certainly a shedload of radio towers - in Tibet for the fourth game in the series. Rather than making another sun-soaked paradise its home, Far Cry 4 has upped sticks and relocated to a fictional region in the Himalayas called Kyrat. Here, the game's hero Ajay Ghale finds himself caught up in a brutal civil war crafted by the self-appointed king of the region, Pagan Min, otherwise known as the bad guy.
    Given the setting, it's easy enough to conjure up an endless panorama of white peaks and shin-slicing precipices in your mind's eye, but there will be more than an endless succession of Mount Everests to the game. Early screenshots throw up some rather clichéd albeit breath-taking vistas, but we're also promised a generous dash of variety in the environments. All in all, you should hope to see as many crystal-clear lakes garnished with evergreen forestry as you do cold and chilling peaks.
    Making your way around this new world should be more of an adventure than ever, thanks in part to an all-new grappling hook, which allows you to inch your way along rock formations. While Far Cry 3 convenient hang-gliders provided a swooping bird's-eye view of Ubisoft's open-world handiwork, this time around you'll be putting around the skies in gyrocopters and swooping into action using white-knuckle wingsuits.
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