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Microsoft's PR blunders caused Sony to re-write E3 PlayStation 4 script

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  • Microsoft's PR blunders caused Sony to re-write E3 PlayStation 4 script

    Sony re-wrote portions of its E3 2013 presentation - when the company fully unveiled the PlayStation 4 - after seeing Microsoft's unpopular announcements detailing the Xbox One's initial policies regarding used games and DRM.
    Speaking at the Develop 2014 conference in Brighton today, Sony Computer Entertainment boss Andrew House said that he had re-written portions of Sony's script after reading concerns that PlayStation would eventually copy Microsoft's restrictive policies at some point - whether at the console's launch, or further down the line.
    "It made us feel a little bit clearer about our message," House said, "when a lot of the negativity was emerging around DRM issues and used games. I remember reading an article literally the weekend before E3 that was basically saying that this is the direction Microsoft was taking and that it was only a matter of time before Sony adopts the same approach.
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