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Digital Foundry: Hands on with the Destiny PS4 beta

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  • Digital Foundry: Hands on with the Destiny PS4 beta

    It's been a month since we put the PS4 alpha build of Destiny under the microscope, revealing an effects powerhouse with a day-night cycle that lent itself to some beautiful time-lapse shots. With a handful of new story missions added for the beta release on PS3 and PS4 this week, we're currently working through a full comparison for you to enjoy in the coming days. But in the meantime, a quick look into how the PS4 version stacks up to the alpha build is in order - and whether this update addresses any of the curious issues raised at the time.
    Weighing in at 13.2GB, there's certainly plenty of meat to this download. Starting with a tutorial section on the outskirts of Old Russia, we're tasked with taking our newly-created Guardian through a towering wall into the main Steppes area - kickstarting a scout for parts to restore a spaceship. Technically, this hinges on the same area as the alpha build's Devil Within mission, but takes us on a tangent that shows us some new cut-scenes and previously unseen bosses.
    It remains a sight to behold for all the right reasons; the 1080p resolve on PS4 is intact of course, as backed by the FXAA post-processing seen in the alpha. For the sake of presenting Bungie's gorgeous skybox designs, plus the vast acreage of Old Russia as seen from the highest points, this pixel count does the game a great service. Detail is rendered from a great distance while outside - with little pop-in aside from small rocks and rubble fading into view while boosting with a Sparrow.
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