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Light review

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  • Light review

    Amnesia is one of the most common storytelling contrivances in media. It's always struck me as odd and reductionist: if you were to lose all of your old memories, would you still be you? It's a tough question, but it's one that Light tosses away almost immediately. We see the classic amnesia trope, but only through several layers of abstraction.
    In Light, people are boxes, rooms and furniture are vague outlines and murder is little more than a blip on the screen. Light tries to use that distance to weave a tale of corporate conspiracy and high-stakes espionage, but that emotional gap between you and your avatar results in little more than a sterile, albeit pretty, adventure.
    Light opens with you as a blue square in a room. No memories, no explanation of who you are or why you're there. Everything around you is a faded, twitchy electric blue, almost as if you were trapped in cyberspace. Across the room is your first clue: a pulsing, glowing, yellow-orange newspaper. Reading it sets you off to kill, steal and sneak your way through corporate security to uncover the truth of your own past.
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