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Video Games: The Movie review

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  • Video Games: The Movie review

    Who remembers that classic documentary, Music: The Movie? Or Books: The Movie, and it's rather meta follow-up, Movies: The Movie? They don't exist, of course, because those are such broad concepts that the idea of encapsulating them in a single 90 minute film is madness. Instead, documentary makers covering those media wisely focus on specific periods, genres, or tell the story of unique creations and the innovators who brought them to life.
    Videogames: The Movie doesn't do that. It's so eager to tell you how goshdarned awesome videogames are that it tries to fit everything in. It's an impossible task, and the result is a film that misses too much out, and offers only shallow coverage of the material it can make room for.
    It opens with a 30 minute sprint through the entire history of gaming, from Spacewar in the 1960s through to today's state-of-the-art consoles. This is all visualised using a whizzy 3D graphic of a timeline that we zoom up and down, yet because of the sheer scale of the subject that must be covered, the camera can never alight at any particular point for very long.
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