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Living with the Alien: What it's like to spend a day with Alien: Isolation

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  • Living with the Alien: What it's like to spend a day with Alien: Isolation

    Alien: Isolation has impressed every time we've seen it since its reveal, but this time it's different. This isn't some staged demo, or bustling press event. This is me, one my own, with a build of Alien: Isolation. The lights are off. The headphones are on. I'm entirely alone. And, yes, I'm bricking it.
    Alien: Isolation is so scary that it almost feels redundant to say it. This is a game that is built from the ground up on a foundation of panic and terror. It doesn't try to modulate its experience with anything else. In an age when blockbuster games want to be all things to all people, there's a vicious brilliance in the way Creative Assembly has decided that Alien: Isolation will just be the game that scares the shit out of you. That's all it does. It's all it needs to do.
    The game starts with Amanda Ripley, daughter of Sigourney Weaver's movie character, arriving at the space station Sevastopol. Immediately, you're confronted with the realisation that things have gone horrifically pear-shaped. The lights are out, there's trash and debris all over the place and someone has written "TRUST NO ONE" in big red letters on the wall. There's also a woman bleeding to death on the floor, and a man begging you to go and find help in the station's medical section.
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