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Mapping the interior in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

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  • Mapping the interior in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    I would hate to spoil the many surprises that The Vanishing of Ethan Carter holds for its players, so don't read this article until you've finished the game.
    There's a rock in Red Creek Valley that I really love. I love it because it looks like a shark, snout thrust skyward, erupting from the water, mouth open and ready to bite. But I really love it because, if you approach from the opposite direction, it doesn't look like a shark at all. It looks like a blade of stone, spun upwards out of the ground. It looks like a rock.
    Will you see a shark? Maybe, maybe not. I've asked a handful of people in the office, and received a handful of answers. And that's entirely appropriate, really. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter's a game about imagination and escape, about looking at the world in a way that might allow you to break free of its confines. It's a grind to stay in this dilapidated rustic mining shanty, but it can be dangerous to leave, too. Out there be monsters. Out there be sharks.
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