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Bloodborne alpha's unfinished secret area reveals new boss

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  • Bloodborne alpha's unfinished secret area reveals new boss

    An entirely new section of Bloodborne has been uncovered via a glitch that allows users to leap into a place From hasn't yet finished.
    While still under construction Twitch user RyuuJin882 captured his exploits exploring this new region that he uncovered based on an urban legend that you could jump onto a bench then over a fence that would lead to a place man was not yet meant to venture. Skip to 1:39 in the video if you want to see the new stuff.
    It's quite a big new area that essentially doubles the size of the alpha. While glitchy as hell with vanishing textures and invisible walls, this secret area reveals a lot of new content with the highlight being a new boss whose Japanese name translates to Priest Gascoigne (thanks, NeoGAF).
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