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Two Months Later, Advanced Warfare Still Freezes on PS3

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  • Two Months Later, Advanced Warfare Still Freezes on PS3

    Despite two months of sustained complaints from disgruntled owners, the PlayStation 3 version of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare still suffers from random freezes during gameplay.
    Following a long-awaited second patch released on Wednesday for last-gen consoles, fans hoped that the problem with gameplay freezes--particularly on PS3--would be resolved. However, some players are still reporting that, at certain points during multiplayer matches, the game will suddenly turn unresponsive. Usually, customers will then need to turn their console off to return to the game.
    Activision and Sledgehammer Games has been aware of the freeze problems since the game's launch, on November 4. An unrelenting flow of complaints have poured along Twitter ever since the game's first day of release. But it appears the problem is complex, with Activision stating in December that the first patch should have fixed the issue.
    Players have complained about Advanced Warfare freezes since the game's launch in NovemberNow users are raising the issue again on the Call of Duty forums, with new claims that the latest update has not resolved the freezing problems. Complaints about freezes on the PlayStation 4 version, however, appear to have dried up.
    One user wrote: "So almost 2 months since release, PS3 has received 2 updates, but the game continues to freeze my console at least once an hour & I still get the 4704 error about exceeding image assets. Will these issues ever be addressed?"

    A community manager for Activision, in response to another individual complaint, wrote that "the MP freezes are known. The developers are working hard to resolve the freezing issues."
    Sledgehammer Games did not mention the problem specifically when issuing the latest patch notes. The studio wrote: "We appreciate our community of fans across our platforms equally, and are actively working to make the experience the best it can be for fans everywhere."
    This latest update, version 1.06, adds some connectivity improvements and makes some enhancements to the in-Game Store.
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