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Jon Blyth on: Barks

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  • Jon Blyth on: Barks

    Each Saturday, one of our four regular columnists will be taking turns to fill the weekend opinion slot here on Eurogamer. Today it's Jon "Log" Blyth. You can find out more about the columnists in this editor's blog.
    I left the games industry in June. Since then, as I understand it from Twitter, every last person in the games industry have been exposed as corrupt. This puts me, entirely by accident, in the position of being the only person in the world that anyone can trust on the subject of video games. Which I'm assuming is why Eurogamer asked me to write this column.
    If you've seen the flawless movie King Ralph, you'll recognise this plot, and will have already translated the most important story points into the current situation, so here's how it'll likely go. 1) EG editors decide they don't like my thrilling brand of fart-centric humour and off-piste body-popping contests, but realise they are bound by an unexpected contract to publish whatever I write. 2) Readers get 70 words into my first column and are already asking why the hell this s*** is being commissioned, causing me to slip into a fugue of melancholic self-doubt. 3) I fart a bullet away from a game journalist princess, making me a hero and making farts finally respectable. 4) Everyone body-pops at the Games Media Awards and agrees that I am the best King of England/games person ever.
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