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Parks and Recreation board game comes to Kickstarter

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  • Parks and Recreation board game comes to Kickstarter

    Parks and Recreation fans will no doubt remember Ben Wyatt's ludicrously impractical board game The Cones of Dunshire. Now, board game company Mayfair Games, of Settlers of Catan fame, is developing the ridiculous parody game for real on Kickstarter.
    The catch is it will cost $500 (about £330). This is not a joke. Well, actually, the whole campaign is a joke, but it's a real joke. Mayfair is actually producing The Cones of Dunshire and the few outrageous enough to bid that much on it will have a slice of both gaming and television history on their mantle.
    For the most part, the Kickstarter is aimed towards producing a version of the game for the Gen Con 2015 charity event. Mayfair Games previously created a smaller version of The Cones of Dunshire for Gen Con 2014, but this Kickstarter is for an expanded Deluxe Edition.
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