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Hatred gets the dreaded AO rating in the US

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  • Hatred gets the dreaded AO rating in the US

    Civilian mass murdering game Hatred is the third game in history to receive the dreaded AO [Adult's Only] rating from the US ratings board, the ESRB, despite it not having any sexual content whatsoever.
    "Well, I'm not quite convinced why Hatred got AO rating while it lacks any sexual content, but it's still some kind of achievement to have the second game in history getting AO rating for violence and harsh language only," developer Destructive Creations wrote on its forum. "Even if this violence isn't really that bad and this harsh language is not overused. The guy from ESRB (by the way - very nice, polite and cooperative one) told me it's all about 'the context' which people they're testing gameplay video on will see."
    Examining the developer's claim on the ESRB site, it appears that Hatred is indeed the second title to receive an AO rating through violence and language alone after Thrill Kill, an unreleased PlayStation One fighting game.
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