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Watch: Life is Strange Dev Talks Time-Travel Butterfly Effect in New Video

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  • Watch: Life is Strange Dev Talks Time-Travel Butterfly Effect in New Video

    Life is Strange developer Dontnod Entertainment on Friday released a new trailer for its upcoming time-bending game that goes into depth about main character Max's ability to rewind time.
    Titled "The Butterfly Effect," the video gets you up to speed with how Max's powers work, and offers a glimpse into how the time-travel mechanic can affect the gameplay.
    Similar to the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day, Life is Strange allows players to, at least in theory, become smarter over time by using knowledge from past mistakes or stumbles. Also, when players travel back through time, they can carry items from the present with them, giving them tools to use that they didn't have before.
    Looking for even more about Life is Strange? You can speak directly with the developers on Tuesday, January 27, when Dontnod hosts a Reddit AMA starting at 6 AM PDT.
    Life is Strange is an episodic series that will be published by Final Fantasy company Square Enix. The first episode launches January 30 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. For more on Life is Strange, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.
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