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Mortal Kombat X's new Living Towers take single-player online

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  • Mortal Kombat X's new Living Towers take single-player online

    Fighting games are, by their nature, competitive. They're built for player versus player combat. This, for millions of fighting game enthusiasts, is central to their appeal. Mastering combos, learning strategies and putting them into practice online is for many - me included - what the genre is all about.
    But not everyone can compete. Not everyone can pull off a 10-hit combo on command. For many, versus mode is an intimidating, often brutal world one dare not step foot in. So what's left? Single-player? Everyone knows single-player in fighting games is an afterthought. Story? Mini-games? Adventure? When it comes to fighting games, forget it.
    NetherRealm, maker of Mortal Kombat, has a different idea. In fact, it's had a different idea for a while. I'd say Mortal Kombat delivers story better than any other fighting game, even if it writes to a Saturday morning cartoon template - not that Mortal Kombat is appropriate for a Saturday morning, but, you know.
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