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Watch Halo 5 Player Kill 9 Enemies In A Row, Earning Super-Rare Medal

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  • Watch Halo 5 Player Kill 9 Enemies In A Row, Earning Super-Rare Medal

    During the recently concluded three-week Halo 5: Guardians beta, which saw 1 million gamers play 20 million matches, only one "Killpocalypse" medal was awarded.
    Now, the gamer who killed nine enemies in a row to earn the rare medal, "Omnipression," has posted a video of his achievement, and it's darn impressive. My favorite part is that Omnipression is killing his foes so fast that the announcer can't even keep up.
    Watch the video at the bottom of this post.
    Based on the volumes of feedback from the Halo 5 beta, developer 343 Industries this week announced that the game will undergo major changes for the final version, which is due to launch this fall exclusively for Xbox One. Among other things, 343 is toning down the game's "dude-bro" flair and tweaking weapon balance and Spartan Abilities. See a full list of changes here.
    What's the most kills you strung together in the beta? Let us know in the comments below!
