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Evolve thrills, but for how long?

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  • Evolve thrills, but for how long?

    The pre-release period has not been kind to Evolve, Turtle Rock's post Left 4 Dead 'second album'. The recent alpha preview did it few favours, crippled by broken matchmaking and offering a confusing and unbalanced game of cats ganging up against a rather large mouse. I spent almost every match during the alpha just walking through forests not doing anything of any interest whatsoever. Combine that with one of the most misguided, muddled and overly verbose pre-release content campaigns in history, and Evolve isn't off to the best of starts.
    What Turtle Rock's shooter actually offers is far simpler than this befuddling maelstrom of bad information and tedious buzzwords sought to represent. It's a game about four players shooting a monster. It just so happens to be a monster that's controlled by another human. There are great subtleties, nuance, balance and a handful of other rules, of course, but that's the elevator pitch.
    As promised then, Evolve gives you the option to team up with three other players in a Monster hunt, or to actually jump into the scaly skin of the beast itself. Clearly, the latter is the most instantly appealing. The first monster on the unlock scale, The Goliath, is simple enough to control. You can bound about the vast maps in third person, clambering up sheer cliff faces with ease and generally feeling rather happy with yourself.
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