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Rock Band 3 Returns to Life With More DLC

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  • Rock Band 3 Returns to Life With More DLC

    For the second time in nearly two years, Harmonix is releasing DLC for Rock Band 3. Today's batch only has two songs, Tenacious D's "Rise of the Fenix," and Weezer's recent single "Back to the Shack," from last year's album Everything Will be Alright in the End.
    The choice of these titles may hint at a long-awaited return for the dormant franchise, though they could also be coincidental. Aaron Trites, the marketing manager for Harmonix, joked that "they are awesome songs with great titles".
    Both tracks will be available on February 17 for $1.99 each, and will be compatible with Rock Band 3 and Rock Band Blitz for the PS3 and Xbox 360.
    Before Harmonix stopped supporting Rock Band with weekly DLC in April 2013, the developer had originally planned to release more than 3500 tracks.
    Back in January, we asked Harmonix PR manager Nick Chester if we would see a return to the kind of regular releases we saw before. At the time, he said "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
