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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Gets PS4/PS3 Cross-Buy, But Not Until After Launch

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  • Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Gets PS4/PS3 Cross-Buy, But Not Until After Launch

    PlayStation gamers in North America can pick up the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 for the price of one, provided they're willing to preorder the $25 digital version ahead of release.
    Capcom has announced PS3/PS4 Cross Buy support will be available for the upcoming episodic horric game, but with some catches. In addition to needing to preorder the complete season prior to the release of Episode 1 next week, you'll have to wait a period of time before being able to access both versions. On its blog, Capcom says, "While this feature won't be active on launch day, those who preorder will be entitled to both versions of the game shortly after."
    What this means is that you should preorder the version you want to have immediate access to when Episode 1 releases on February 24. However, the preorder page for the PS3's complete season is currently undergoing maintenance, so you'll have to wait until Sunday to place a preorder on that version. If you've already preordered the complete season on either platform, you're already entitled to it on both systems.
    This is the second Revelations 2 preorder bonus being offered to PlayStation gamers. As announced last year, preordering will also gain you access to the Raid Mode Throwback map pack. The raid mode--see it in action above--is where you'll find the game's microtransactions; Capcom reassured gamers last month that none are present in the main campaign.
    Revelations 2 is comprised of four episodes, with one being released each week between February 24 and March 17. In addition to PS3 and PS4, it's coming to PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Vita (which, at least right now, isn't included in this Cross Buy offer). For more, check out our latest look at the game and Capcom's approach to Resident Evil.
