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Introducing Killer Queen: The world's first 10-player arcade strategy game

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  • Introducing Killer Queen: The world's first 10-player arcade strategy game

    Conventional logic dictates that when one creates a product, they should make it available to the widest market possible. How else can one explain the popularity of mobile games being produced in the modern era? Yet Killer Queen developers Nikita Mikros and Joshua DeBonis have gone the opposite route by creating an arcade cabinet-exclusive that very few have the opportunity to play.
    It's a quirky proposition for an even quirkier game. Killer Queen's concept of a five vs five strategy game/minimalist platformer eschews conventional arcade game design in a lot of ways that seem ludicrous, but are secretly brilliant.
    On the surface, Killer Queen has everything stacked against it. Besides being currently limited to five public locations across the United States, it requires a minimum of eight people to really get a good game going. That's a lot of people to round up! Furthermore, it's a completely new IP with no familiar template from which to draw from. And finally, it's just plain confounding to play - at least at first.
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