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Eurogamer readership survey 2015

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  • Eurogamer readership survey 2015

    Hello! Every once in a while we put together a reader survey to poll our readers and find out a bit more about who you are, what you play and what you like. We've just put our latest survey online and it would be a massive help to us if you could fill it out.
    The information you submit - which is also gathered from the readers of other Gamer Network sites, like Rock, Paper, Shotgun and VG247 - is anonymous and used purely to help us build a picture of who we're talking to. This in turn helps us on the editorial team make a site that you'll find relevant, useful and enjoyable - and it helps our friends in the ads team do their jobs, which helps us pay the bills. As well as telling us a bit about yourself, we've asked for some feedback on the games media in general, such as how you feel about reviews, video, and website subscriptions.
    So if you have a moment to spare, please head over to the survey, hosted on SurveyMonkey, and fill it out. We'll owe you one.
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