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Face-Off: DmC Devil May Cry Definitive Edition

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  • Face-Off: DmC Devil May Cry Definitive Edition

    We've already established that the PlayStation 4 version of DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition offers a palpable upgrade over both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, with 60fps gameplay moving Ninja Theory's last-gen reboot more closely into line with Capcom Japan's origin titles. In addition to the faster, smoother gameplay, native 1080p visuals also deliver the welcome boost in sharpness expected from a title running on a current-gen console.
    However, despite the undeniable upgrades, we also came away a just little disappointed that the PS4 version doesn't quite manage to deliver the solid 60fps gameplay easily achievable on the PC - something we expected from the level of hardware on offer inside Sony's console. So the question is, can the Xbox One version iron out the kinks found in the PS4 game and hand in the 'definitive' experience we are looking for from a current-gen remaster? Or will its less capable GPU hand in a less stable experience?
    From a visual perspective, we're mostly looking at parity between PS4 and Xbox One - with just a few caveats. Anti-aliasing coverage is a little better on Microsoft's system, although the difference is largely academic, visible only when zooming in on still screenshots. The same post-process algorithm is used across both consoles (creating a sharper image than the PC game) and in motion it's basically impossible to spot the difference.
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