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Overwatch, Battleborn, and Battlecry: Everything We Know So Far

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  • Overwatch, Battleborn, and Battlecry: Everything We Know So Far

    If you're a fan of multiplayer shooters, then there are three upcoming games you need to pay attention to. From Blizzard Entertainment, there's Overwatch, the developer's first new universe in too long a time, one that features a colourful cast of diverse characters with unique talents. Gearbox Software is taking some of the style and structure of its Borderlands games into Battleborn, a co-operative shooter with an objective-based campaign set in the distant future. Finally, there's Battlecry, from the Bethesda-owned and creatively-named Battlecry Studios, which puts a greater focus on third-person melee combat in addition to long-range shootouts.
    With each of the three games, we set out to answer key questions that will give you more insight into how each game is bringing something new to the multiplayer shooter arena.


    Developer: Blizzard
    Release Date: TBA
    Platforms: PC

    Does the game have a distinctive visual style?
    Though Overwatch echoes Blizzard's more recent love affair with colourful, cartoonish exaggeration, the game features such a variety of characters and environments that it's hard to pinpoint one all-encompassing visual style. It's easily the most outlandish of Blizzard's universes, and it looks fantastic in motion--but what's most impressive is how cohesive Blizzard has made it all seem.
    Is this a first-person shooter?
    Overwatch is primarily played from a first-person perspective. However, there are moments when certain abilities are used that pull the camera back to a third-person perspective, giving you an opportunity to watch the ability play out or get a better sense of your surroundings so that you can focus on aiming at foes.
    Is this a competitive or co-operative game?
    As a team-based shooter, Overwatch is a little of both. Though you'll see better results when working as a team, the game also provides you with sufficient abilities to go it alone and play on your own terms. So far, all game modes have involved other human players, with no AI or bots to speak of yet.
    How customisable are the playable classes?
    We haven't seen any customisation options so far. Overwatch is similar to Team Fortress 2 in that each class has a limited set of specific abilities which are designed to promote certain playstyles and fulfil specific roles within the team, like tanking, sniping, and close-quarters combat.
    Is it free-to-play?
    Unfortunately, we don't know just yet.


    Developer: Gearbox
    Release Date: 2016
    Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
    Does the game have a distinctive visual style?
    Its playable characters seem to be inspired by an amalgamation of genre archetypes and entirely different fantasy settings. It looks odd to see steampunk robots fighting alongside machine gun-wielding men whose arms are as big as other playable, bow-wielding elves. The problem is that the game is set in the far future, in a world of spaceships, robots and high-tech weaponry. It's odd to see typical fantasy elves leaping about this sci-fi landscape.
    Is this a first-person shooter?
    Yes. Battleborn is played almost exclusively from a first-person perspective. The only exceptions to this appear to be when you perform a taunt or gesture, which sees the camera briefly cut to third-person, as well as upon activating certain abilities.
    Is this a competitive or co-operative game?
    Battleborn has focused on revealing its co-operative mode in some depth, which looks to be the main focus of the game. Competitive multiplayer matches will also be available, but we haven't seen anything that demonstrates how they will function just yet.
    How customisable are the playable classes?
    Each class has a skill tree that allows them to choose from one of two skills each time they level up. Some of these are entirely new abilities, such as air strikes or different types of grenades. Others are passive modifiers to the character's core skill set, such as dealing critical damage with the first bullet of every magazine.
    Is it free-to-play?
    No. Battleborn is currently available for pre-order at standard retail prices.


    Developer: Battlecry Studios
    Release Date: Unknown
    Platforms: PC
    Does the game have a distinctive visual style?
    Yes. Battlecry's visuals are rendered with a very slight painterly aesthetic that blends well with the designs of its characters and the exaggerated battle effects, such as bright red blood. The characters themselves are unique and cohesive, calling to mind World War I-era soldiers with unique steampunk weaponry.
    Is this a first-person shooter?
    No. Battlecry is played from a third-person perspective, which works well because certain classes have a strong focus on melee combat over pure shooting. These characters must block attacks and close the distance to opponents by using special abilities.
    Is this a competitive or co-operative game?
    Like Overwatch, Battlecry focuses on team-based combat against teams of other human players, so there are both competitive and co-operative elements at play here. More so than in Overwatch, you'll need to coordinate your movements as a team to achieve objectives--being a lone wolf isn't so effective here.
    How customisable are the playable classes?
    We're not sure right now. Each of Battlecry's playable classes fulfils a distinct role on the battlefield, and comes equipped with their own unique weapons (such as a sword that can expand into a shield). Though characters can be visually customised, we've yet to see if this carries over into their core abilities as well.
    Is it free-to-play?
    Yes--Battlecry will be free-to-play with microtransactions. An Australia and New Zealand exclusive beta is also ready to be signed up for.
