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Carmageddon: Reincarnation is still a bit of a mess - although it is a glorious one

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  • Carmageddon: Reincarnation is still a bit of a mess - although it is a glorious one

    A good measure of a Carmageddon games' success is how quickly it makes you honk with inappropriate laughter. With Carmageddon 2 I think this took about five seconds, although I was a teenager at the time. I'm still waiting for TDR 2000 to give me a giggle. Carmageddon: Reincarnation was possibly even faster than 2 at forcing me to curl protectively around my own jiggling diaphragm, although I'm not entirely sure it was intentional.
    Within seconds of the initial race commencing, three of the five cars in front of me collided and exploded in a big carbon-fibre fireball. While this was certainly one way to make an impression, I have absolutely no idea whether it was supposed to happen. Was it a hint that the AI needs its wheel-nuts tightening? Or was is merely a consequence of Carmageddon's gleefully anarchic systems?
    I suspect the answer is a little of both, as I would describe Reincarnation's current state as ready but rough. Everything you'd expect in a Carmageddon game is there, plus a few welcome extras, but the whole experience needs a dose of fine-tuning before it could be considered roadworthy.
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