It's an unfortunate reality that modern games are rarely finished at release, with publishers relying on post-release patches more than ever. Resident Evil Revelations 2 is no exception, and with the PlayStation 4 version suffering poor performance results, a new patch seemed inevitable. Well, Capcom stepped up this week with a brand new update for the PS4 version promising performance improvements. Hopeful, we updated our copy of the game and set out to see if the title's puzzling performance issues have been sorted.
Jumping straight to the second chapter, we're joined by the loveable Barry Burton as he enters the mysterious Forest of Low Frame-Rate. Right out of the gate, the introduction cut-scene and opening areas show significant improvements, delivering a locked 60fps with the latest patch - results that are even smoother than the Xbox One version. Excited by this, we quickly scrambled through the interior of the complex towards the notorious forest sequence to see if the problem really has been solved.
Our hopes were dashed quickly as the frame-rate buckled under the pressure of copious vegetation and dynamic lighting. While there is a tangible improvement throughout the game, results in vegetation heavy areas still fall below the Xbox One version of the game. Still, we're looking at roughly 10-15 per cent improvement across the board, which is just enough to boost playability closer to the desired 60fps in most sequences - indeed, some areas now operate at a smoother frame-rate than Xbox One. The overall issues on PS4 remain the same though: areas rich in vegetation, combined with the flashlight, drop well below the 60fps target. The frame-rate no longer dips under 30fps thankfully, but it still hovers dangerously close at times.
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Jumping straight to the second chapter, we're joined by the loveable Barry Burton as he enters the mysterious Forest of Low Frame-Rate. Right out of the gate, the introduction cut-scene and opening areas show significant improvements, delivering a locked 60fps with the latest patch - results that are even smoother than the Xbox One version. Excited by this, we quickly scrambled through the interior of the complex towards the notorious forest sequence to see if the problem really has been solved.
Our hopes were dashed quickly as the frame-rate buckled under the pressure of copious vegetation and dynamic lighting. While there is a tangible improvement throughout the game, results in vegetation heavy areas still fall below the Xbox One version of the game. Still, we're looking at roughly 10-15 per cent improvement across the board, which is just enough to boost playability closer to the desired 60fps in most sequences - indeed, some areas now operate at a smoother frame-rate than Xbox One. The overall issues on PS4 remain the same though: areas rich in vegetation, combined with the flashlight, drop well below the 60fps target. The frame-rate no longer dips under 30fps thankfully, but it still hovers dangerously close at times.
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