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Could Bloodborne work as an eSports title?

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  • Could Bloodborne work as an eSports title?

    Grim action-RPG Bloodborne may have both cooperative and competitive elements, but until this afternoon I'd never viewed it as a potential eSports title. That all changed upon watching the following video pitting the finalists against each other in a contest to see who could slay the most NPC hunters the quickest within the game's opening 15 minutes.
    The contest was hosted by YouTuber and Souls aficionado VaatiVidya in association with Sony, who put up the prizes. First place received a glacier white PS4 and Nightmare Edition of Bloodborne, second place got a Nightmare Edition and review copy collectables, while third place received some assorted Bloodborne merchandise (including T-Shirts and a bag).
    The rules were simple: Players had 15 minutes to slay as many NPC hunters as they could, starting from the game's opening. Whoever killed the most would win. If there was a tie in kill count, it would come down to whoever murdered that amount of hunters the fastest. In this case, all three finalists managed to take down five hunters, and their times for completing the challenge were very close indeed.
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