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Battlefield, Star Wars Dev DICE Has a Third Mystery Game in Development

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  • Battlefield, Star Wars Dev DICE Has a Third Mystery Game in Development

    Swedish developer DICE has two announced projects: Star Wars: Battlefront and Mirror's Edge Catalyst. But, according to DICE general manager Patrick Bach, the studio has one more game in the pipeline.
    "We have three projects in the works right now," Bach said in an interview with Polygon. Pressed on that number, Bach chuckled and said, "Did I say that?"
    Stockholm, home of DICEWhat could the third project be?
    Another Battlefield game is one likely possibility. After all, DICE owner Electronic Arts has already confirmed that Battlefield 5 (or whatever the next Battlefield game will be called) is due to launch at the end of 2016. For what it's worth, DICE has 48 open positions posted to its website.
    The most recent Battlefield game, Hardline, was developed by Visceral Games and launched in March.
    What are you hoping DICE's next game is? Let us know in the comments below.
