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EA at War With Star Wars Battlefront Video Leaks

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  • EA at War With Star Wars Battlefront Video Leaks

    Electronic Arts is removing a swarm of online videos revealing key gameplay details of its biggest game of the year, Star Wars Battlefront.
    On Thursday, a select number of fans were invited to try an alpha build of DICE's major Star Wars shooter, and were asked in the end-user agreement to not publish videos of the game online. However, scores of players have ignored this proviso, and have published footage revealing in-game single-player and multiplayer.
    In turn, EA has assembled a takedown team to remove these videos across various sites such as Vimeo, Daily Motion, and YouTube.
    Three videos that have yet to be taken down, at the time of going to press, can be found below. One shows single-player survival gameplay, and another two show a Walker Assault battle on Hoth. The likelihood that both videos will be removed soon is high.
    The video leaks come after players had begun sharing details of the alpha build online.
    Fresh information about the game--which re-enacts key battles from Star Wars Episodes IV, V, and VI--was first published on the forum NeoGAF. The website lists a range of weapons and vehicles that appears to be accessible to players under certain conditions.
    From the files contained within the alpha download, weapons available in-game include the E11, A280, DH17, DL44, DLT19, DLT20a, EE3, Rocket Launcher, SE14c, and the T21. Some weapons may be locked to special characters, such as the EE3, which is likely tied to Boba Fett.
    None of the data should be considered as a guarantee of the content that will appear in the final game, which ships on November 17.
    Vehicles, meanwhile, include the T-65 X-wing, the Tie Fighter, Lambda Shuttle, Y-wing, Tie-Bomber, Corellian Corvette, Nebulon B Frigate, Imperial Star Destroyer, Mon Calamari Capital Ship Home One, AT-ST, AT-AT, Tie Interceptor, 74-Z Speeder Bike.
    Among other notes taken from the alpha files, it appears that players will have a range of emote animations to select, such as an SOS signal, as well as a standard applause.
    Storm Troopers, meanwhile, might be able to be customised and tweaked, though this has not been confirmed.
    Meanwhile, the Tatooine map has both midday and dawn versions.
    Star Wars Battlefront has been pitched by EA as its most important game release of 2015.
    In a recent interview with GameSpot, DICE general manager Patrick Bach discussed the pressure of fan expectations placed on the studio.
    "You want Battlefront to be as good as the films, which means that if we don't do that, players will be very upset. They will be very clear about that fact," he said.
