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Star Wars Battlefront on PS4 shows huge promise - but needs work

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  • Star Wars Battlefront on PS4 shows huge promise - but needs work

    With a show of work-in-progress gameplay footage - as captured from PlayStation 4 - Star Wars Battlefront's E3 demo was a genuine highlight of this year's event. Unlike its earlier April reveal (set to a woodland battle on Endor), it's also a far more realistic take on what to expect of PS4's multiplayer; a continuous run of on-foot and vehicular action around the snowy tundra of Hoth. But for all its flair, does it stack up to the game's impressive earlier reveal - and how is performance shaping up?
    Before we go on, it's worth stressing that the "pre-alpha" PS4 gameplay we have here is likely to improve. There's still several months of development time left until Star Wars Battlefront's 20th November release in Europe - enough time to tweak its visuals and optimise performance further. Even so, our current analysis paints a fascinating picture of its progress so far, for the first time showing how DICE's series reboot actually plays on Sony's hardware.
    First and foremost, the E3 Walker Assault footage is a genuine, practical look at console gameplay in motion. The PS4 capture is largely unedited, providing long stretches of action around the icy Hoth map, and letting us in on frame-rate and resolution details ahead of launch. Right away, from an early pixel-count we see the game matches the basic framebuffer setup of Battlefield 4 and Hardline: the evidence suggesting this PS4 build runs at a native 1600x900 with a pass of post-process anti-aliasing.
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