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Xbox One Games Need to be More Diverse, Says Senior Exec

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  • Xbox One Games Need to be More Diverse, Says Senior Exec

    Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, has said Microsoft should be "pushing harder" for more genre diversity among its first-party Xbox One titles.
    Microsoft's Gamescom showing featured upcoming exclusives such as Scalebound, Quantum Break, and Crackdown, all of which follow the third-person action framework.
    In an interview with Gamespot, when asked about this trend, Spencer admitted the genre was over-represented in Microsoft's catalogue of games.
    "More diversity in terms of genre and mechanics, I think it's a great thing for this industry to push," he said. "So yes, you do find a lot of third-party action games from us, and I do think we should be pushing harder on genre and control."
    The exec added that he believes the lack of diversity in third-party games is "an industry issue," but argued the third-person perspective is particularly suited for storytelling.
    "I actually think it's an industry issue," he said. "But I would say, the nice thing about third-person is that the mechanic is fairly well known. Many people can play it. You see your character, and you see their personality. So as a canvass for story telling, third-person is right up there.
    "If games are about their story, they tend to gravitate towards that third-person perspective," he continued. "But I do love games that try to push on mechanics. A game I played a few years ago now, but one that really stuck with me, was Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. It was a really interesting dual-stick mechanic, that did something different, and when I find that, I love it."
    As well as the aforementioned games, Microsoft also showed off gameplay for Dark Souls 3, Forza Motorsport 6, and more. See all the trailers shown at the Xbox Gamescom press conference here.
