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Nippon Ichi's Yomawari looks like Silent Hill meets Earthbound

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  • Nippon Ichi's Yomawari looks like Silent Hill meets Earthbound

    Disgaea developer Nippon Ichi teased a Vita-exclusive horror gamer called Yomawari earlier this summer and now it's revealed that game in action in the following debut trailer:
    Kotaku has a full breakdown of the titles screens in this trailer, but the basic gist is that the little girl protagonist's dog and sister have disappeared one eerie night, so it's off to look for them. Cue the big, scary monsters!
    Visually it's got a pretty neat look to it, mixing the standard Japanese survival horror templates of abandoned villages and foggy alleys from such titles as Silent Hill and Fatal Frame/Project Zero with the adorable wide-eyed child protagonists we've seen in RPGs like Earthbound and Secret of Evermore.
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