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16 of the dumbest Star Wars names ever

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  • 16 of the dumbest Star Wars names ever

    General Grievous

    Even the ability to wield four lightsabers couldn't make up for the utter obviousness of this bad guy's name. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Jar Jar Binks

    Ex-squeeze me, mesa thinks Jar Jar Binks is the worst name in the Star Wars universe. Or maybe our general annoyance at this character is at fault. Doesn't matter. He goes on the list. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Qui-Gon Jinn

    Liam Neeson is pretty much a badass in every single movie he's in (See: Taken). Still, a Phantom Menace writer may have been Quasi-Gon on a fifth of Jinn when this name came up. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Mission Vao

    Mission Vao is the generic name given to one of the party members on the search for Darth Revan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. And it just so happens that she's on a ... hey, how did you know? (Photo: Bioware)


    With a name like Sebulba, it's no wonder this character lost to a kid at podracing in The Phantom Menace. He's clearly meant for onion farming anyway. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Elan Sleazebaggano

    Mr. Sleazebaggano had a failed attempt at selling Obi-Wan some death sticks on Coruscant. Why anyone would even entertain his sales pitch in the first place is the real mystery. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Biggs Darklighter

    Biggs was a childhood friend of Luke Skywalker. He ultimately died during the Battle of Yevin in A New Hope. But with a name that implies a lights-out kind of fate, Red Three never stood a chance (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Shmi Skywalker

    As much fun as alliteration can be, it couldn't save Anakin Skywalker's mother Shmi from having three consecutive consonants with a vowel at the end of her name. Anakin was doomed from the get-go. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Kit Fisto

    Kit Fisto was a cool Jedi master until he met his fate at the hands of Darth Sidious. Sidious, with his much better name, struck Fisto down in Revenge of the Sith. Hey, at least Fisto got to do some good work at the Battle of Mon Calamari, which sounds like an absolutely delicious fight. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Wickett W. Warrick

    He might be a cute little Ewok, but that doesn't excuse Wickett W. Warrick from criticism over a name that sounds like it belongs on the calling card of a Downton Abbey character. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Supreme Leader Snoke

    There's little doubt that Andy Serkis's Supreme Leader Snoke is up to something in The Force Awakens. But with a name like Snoke, how intimidating can he really be? (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Plo Koon

    Plo has the unfortunate distinction of having one of the worst names on the Jedi High Council. It's so bad we can't even think of a joke for this part of the caption. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Savage Opress

    Darth Maul must've been the darling child if his older brother got the name Savage Opress. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Nute Gunray

    The Phantom Menace's Nute Gunray is just a lazy attempt at playing off the name Newt Gingrich, the 58th Speaker of the House. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Lott Dod

    This is an outrage! Lott Dod's name is another thinly veiled take on a politician's name; this time it's former U.S. Senator Trent Lott. (Photo: LucasFilm)


    Apparently if you're a laughably pathetic bad guy on Tattooine, your name has to end with an "o" (Greedo, Watto). Maybe the gross slave owner/junk dealer from Tattooine just should've been named Stocko Charactero Obviouso.
