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Top 15 Star Wars Lightsabers, Ranked

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  • Top 15 Star Wars Lightsabers, Ranked

    15. Tera Sinube’s sabercane

    Featured in The Clone Wars TV series, Jedi Master Tera Sinube proves that an old master still has some moves in him. His rare white lightsaber doubles as a walking stick when holstered. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    14. Ezra’s lightsaber/blaster combo

    Star Wars Rebels’ Ezra Bridger didn’t receive formal Jedi training before the fall of the Republic. As a result, he handily crafts a lightsaber that can also be used as a stun blaster in a tight spot. While the saber/blast gets points for uniqueness, it kind of defeats the purpose of having the honor and skill to wield a lightsaber. As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say, “So uncivilized.” (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    13. Kylo Ren’s crossguard

    Will the crossguard featured in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens be super cool? Dangerous? Bit of both? We hope so. Regardless, a fiery, seemingly unstable red lightsaber in the hands of an imposing, mysterious villain can’t possibly be a fail, can it? (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    12. Darth Sidious’s gold lightsaber

    We all know Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was rotten from the start, but that doesn’t make his official reveal as Darth Sidious any less creepy. To match his fearsome skill, the always upwardly mobile Sidious boasts a lightsaber to match. Gold in color and sleek enough to fit up his sleeve, this lightsaber is one befitting an Emperor. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    11. Luke’s green lightsaber

    Luke Skywalker brandishes a whole new lightsaber in Return of the Jedi, one he crafted himself rather than the hand-me-down from his father via Obi-Wan Kenobi. Perhaps to honor his former master, Skywalker constructs a lightsaber that looks similar to Kenobi’s, though with a distinctive green blade. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    10. Pre Vizsla’s Darksaber

    Who knew laser swords could be black? As a proud Mandalorian warrior intent on returning his planet to its warrior roots, Pre Vizsla fights with a darksaber (the same as a lightsaber, though much older). It was stolen from the Jedi Temple by Mandalorians during the fall of the Old Republic. Flatter and more pointed than a typical lightsaber, the darksaber is an excellent example of saber innovation depicted on the series The Clone Wars. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    09. Yoda’s lightsaber shoto

    Yoda may be several hundred years old and use a cane to get around, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know his way around a lightsaber duel. Showing off his fighting skills in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Yoda uses a green shoto, or short-bladed saber, as his singular lightsaber. It matches his diminutive height though it’s no less deadly than any other laser sword. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    08. The Inquisitor’s double-bladed spinning lightsaber

    The Inquisitor's red lightsaber may be a bit showy, but it’s filled with cool tricks. The curved hand guard doubles as a spinning disc of destruction, and the twin blades can be separated and used as two lightsaber weapons. As an agent of the Empire trained in hunting down the Jedi, the Inquisitor does his best to cover all his options with his saber multitool. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    07. Anakin/Luke’s lightsaber

    Originally Anakin Skywalker’s weapon before he fell to the Dark Side, the blue saber was passed down to his son, Luke. Obi-Wan Kenobi saved the lightsaber after defeating Vader in their first duel. The first lightsaber audiences ever saw, this iconic weapon may or may not play an integral role in the upcoming Star Wars movie, The Force Awakens. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    06. Count Dooku’s red curved-hilt lightsaber

    Count Dooku requires a Sith lightsaber in keeping with his status as a rich man, a former Jedi, and a current devotee of the Dark Side of the Force. Befitting of Dooku’s title, his curved-hilt lightsaber harkens to a sophisticated nobleman’s rapier. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    05. Asajj Ventress’ double curved-hilt lightsaber

    Anything Count Dooku can do, Asajj Ventress can do better. That is, according to Ventress. This is reflected in her two, curved-hilt red lightsabers, originally gifted to her by Dooku himself. She uses these against enemies on both sides of the Clone Wars, to varying degrees of success. Not quite a Sith, she certainly fights like one. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    04. Obi-Wan Kenobi’s blue lightsaber

    Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi’s third blue lightsaber has seen quite a bit of action, from The Clone Wars all the way through A New Hope. Simple in design, Kenobi’s lightsaber is the quintessential example of a Jedi’s laser sword. It remains one of the most memorable fictional weapons of all time. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    03. Darth Maul’s double-bladed red lightsaber

    Many fans have their problems with The Phantom Menace, but Darth Maul’s double-bladed red lightsaber isn’t one of them. Also known as a saberstaff, Maul’s formidable weapon allowed him to take on Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Kenobi, at the same time. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    02. Mace Windu’s purple lightsaber

    Ask and ye shall receive: Samuel L. Jackson famously asked series creator George Lucas if his character could rock a purple lightsaber. He got his wish, and as a result, his lightsaber is one of the coolest of all time. As a member of the Jedi Council, Windu is known for his legendary skill with the blade. What better way to take on the Dark Side of the Force than with a one-of-kind weapon? (Photo by: Lucasfilm)

    1. Darth Vader’s red lightsaber

    The iconic red lightsaber is iconic for a reason: It’s a straightforward weapon of pure destruction and elegance. Enigmatic villain Darth Vader would look totally incomplete without his signature saber. Taking on foe after foe, including his own son, Vader's saber establishes that Star Wars really wouldn’t be Star Wars without that seminal sword. (Photo by: Lucasfilm)
