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13 of the greatest Star Wars names ever

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  • 13 of the greatest Star Wars names ever

    Lando Calrissian
    When you're a card player, a gambler and a scoundrel who wins smuggler ships in card games, you'd better have a name with swagger. Luckily Lando Calrissian rolls right off the tongue. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Ben Kenobi is a fine name, but it pales in comparison to samurai-esque Obi-Wan Kenobi, which might be the most fun thing to say in any galaxy. (Photo: LucasFilm)


    This guy's birth name is Galen Marek: Yawn. But after he becomes Darth Vader's secret apprentice in "The Force Unleashed,” he goes by the badass codename Starkiller. It's a nod to the early drafts of Episode IV, when Luke Skywalker was named Luke Starkiller. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Luke Skywalker

    Call it nostalgia, or just call it a really memorable name. Luke Skywalker's moniker evokes the oldest of hero mythologies. And it also happens to put a smile on your long as you don't think about how this guy kissed his sister. (Photo: LucasFilm)


    Only those with the most mojo go by one name. Think Madonna, Prince, Cher ... and Yoda. If you don't believe it, then lame, you are. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Lord Vader

    Of course, Darth Vader is a pretty dark and intimidating name, with its vaguely German vibe. (Eddie Izzard once imagined the Sith commander calling himself the Baron von Vaderheim.) But when the former Anakin Skywalker is referred to as Lord Vader, anybody can get seduced by the dark side. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Asajj Ventress

    Asajj Ventress is one of the most feared beings during the Clone Wars, and it's not surprising. Anybody who can pull off two js side-by-side is not to be trifled with, and the "VEN" at the beginning of her surname just happens to remind us of the venom flowing through her veins. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Captain Phasma

    With a name like Captain Phasma, this Force Awakens character instantly enters the pantheon of memorable helmsmen such as Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain America and, of course, Captain Morgan...only maybe with a little more LSD thrown in. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Han Solo

    The best smuggler in the universe has the best name, too. Even though Han likes to think of himself as a loner, he's never solo with Chewie, Luke and Leia by his side. (Photo: LucasFilm)


    The name of Han Solo's best bud and sidekick, Chewbacca, is a piece of genius. His given name harkens after a legendary Wookiee hero, the great Bacca. But his nickname, Chewie, makes him so approachable that it's almost adorkable. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Poe Dameron

    Very little is known about the self-proclaimed best damn pilot in the galaxy, but the name Poe Dameron is sure to grow on us like a fine gothic novel by the time The Force Awakens bows. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Grand Moff Tarkin

    With that jaw line and a name like Wilhuff Tarkin, it's impossible not to break bad. Add the title Grand Moff, and you’ve got yourself one sinister-sounding dude. No wonder he was instrumental in creating the freakin’ Death Star. (Photo: LucasFilm)

    Wedge Antilles

    It's tradition in the Star Wars universe to give pilots the best names. Wedge Antilles is one of the best pilots, and names, that George Lucas ever came up with–equal parts guts and high romance. Perhaps not so coincidentally, Antilles also is the only flier to survive both Death Star runs. (Photo: LucasFilm)
