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Crowfall pre-alpha begins and footage emerges

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  • Crowfall pre-alpha begins and footage emerges

    20 weeks after its Kickstarter campaign ended, PVP MMO Crowfall is playable courtesy of a Hunger Dome elimination deathmatch module. And as there's no NDA (non-disclosure agreement) in place, videos and screenshots of the action are, and will increasingly be, available.
    People who backed the game at a tier promising Alpha 1 testing access will be invited to join in. Batches of invites are being sent out. There's no decided limit for participants nor a defined schedule for invites. There will be a limit on how many Hunger Dome matches you can play, to ensure everyone gets a go - something like 25 matches.
    Do remember that while this is pre-alpha testing, we're still a long way away from an end-of-2016 final release date - which itself is optimistic. However, a lot of progress has been made in a short frame of time, which bodes extremely well.
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