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Divinity: Original Sin 2 Adds New Stretch Goals as Funding Continues to Increase

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  • Divinity: Original Sin 2 Adds New Stretch Goals as Funding Continues to Increase

    Divinity: Original Sin II's crowdfunding campaign continues to draw in more money, and it's now reached yet another stretch goal. With only one more still announced, developer Larian Studios has officially revealed several new features to be added as funding approaches $2 million.
    As a result of surpassing $1.35 million, Original Sin II will add yet another skill tree--the second to be added through stretch goals. Backers will play a role in deciding what theme the skills center around; previously mentioned ones included Summoning Master, Alchemist, Trap Master, and Polymorpher. These possibilities are briefly described in a Kickstarter update from late August.
    The campaign sits at $1.36 million as of this writing, less than $140,000 away from the previous announced Hall of Echoes stretch goal at $1.5 million. Should funding continue past that point--and with 19 days remaining, that seems likely--there are now four more stretch goals to be met.
    Here's how Larian describes each of them:
    $1,650,000 -- Dedicated mod tool support

    • We'll hire a team that will be dedicated to making the editor as intuitive as possible, and who will help the community build all kinds of new awesomeness.

    $1,750,000 -- Love/Hate

    • We'll dedicate more scripters and writers to expand on the dynamic relationship system we're building. Intense rivalry! Friendship and enmity! And... as so many of you have been asking for it… romance!

    $1,850,000 -- Metamorphosis...Mask of the Shapeshifter

    • Imagine you get a mask that lets you change your shape. One moment you're a lizard, the next an ordinary human, with completely different dialog options (and visuals of course). By expanding on our tag system, we'll let you assume different roles in the game with the same character. This will open completely different play styles. Don't want any competition? Don't want companions? Become a lone wolf with a very special mask...

    $2,000,000 -- Dungeon Master Mode

    • Building on the work of the mod team, we'll make an in-game version of the editor that allows dungeon-masters to unleash their fantasies on budding adventurers, adjusting and controlling the dungeon while the other players are playing!

    Whatever happens from here, Original Sin 2 has far surpassed its Kickstarter goal of raising $500,000. As with Original Sin, Larian is using this funding not to build the game, but to expand it beyond what its budget would otherwise permit. Things turned out well with the previous game, which GameSpot named its PC Game of the Year for 2014.
    Original Sin 2 is currently slated for release in December 2016. Among the improvements it'll offer are four-player co-op support, a new crafting system, skill crafting, and competitive questing.
