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10 minutes of Star Wars: Battlefront alpha footage leak

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  • 10 minutes of Star Wars: Battlefront alpha footage leak

    10 minutes of crisp, fast and fluid Star Wars: Battlefront closed alpha footage have leaked.
    The level being played is Walker Assault on Hoth, the snowy one with on-rails AT-ATs - and Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader hero characters although they're not seen in the footage -and there are 20 people on each team.
    The person capturing the footage plays on both the Rebel and Empire team so you see both sides of the coin. The person capturing/playing also happens to be jolly good, topping the tables and notching an impressive number of kills - so impressive the other team accuse him of hacking, much to his, and his team's, amusement. His prowess is also at the heart of this wonderful YouTube comment: "Judging by your aim, you're not a game journalist."
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