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Bloodborne's two planned DLC packs have been combined in the epic The Old Hunters

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  • Bloodborne's two planned DLC packs have been combined in the epic The Old Hunters

    The Old Hunters, Bloodborne's much anticipated add-on that's due out this November, sees what was originally planned as two DLC packs combined for one single expansion - and it sounds like it's the last DLC for From Software's PS4 exclusive.
    "We were originally planning on doing two sets of DLC," Masaaki Yamagiwa, Sony Japan's producer for Bloodborne, told Eurogamer at Tokyo Game Show today. "It was decided that with one set, we'd be able to do more with it, and have more volume for players to play with. As of right now, we have no plans for any more DLC."
    Bloodborne, a PlayStation 4 exclusive from Dark Souls creators From Software, launched in March this year and was met with success, with some 2 million sales to its name to date as well as an outstanding critical reception. "It's awful to know that, in all likelihood, it will be a painfully long time until I play anything else that matches up to Bloodborne's breadth of vision, generosity of content, and yes genius," wrote Rich Stanton in our review.
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